With the stress of finals, a quiet and relaxing Shabbat was definitely what I needed. Lucky for me, my good friend Allie felt the same and we had a relaxing Shabbat together!
Before heading to services, we decided to make our desert. The night before when she came over we picked out a recipe for
m&m cookie bars.
After making our dessert, we headed to services at Kehillat Har-El, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite Shabbat places. It reminds me so much of home and TBT. We were given to honor of leading the congregation in the lighting of the Shabbat candles!
Following services we came home and had candles, kiddush and challah.
Then we proceed to cook our dinner- peppers stuffed with quinoa and roasted potatoes and squash. Of course after that it was time for cookie cake! Perfect and relaxing evening!