Saturday, June 29, 2013

And the old shall dream dreams and the youth shall see visions

It has been a truly incredible Shabbat and the happiest I have felt since coming to Israel. Shabbat began when my classmates and I went to services at Kehillat Har-El, a Reform congregation. It was great to recognize tunes and easily follow along in the prayer book! When the Rabbi addressed the congregation, I was very proud of my Hebrew skills - she spoke so clearly that, while I didn't know every word, I was able to understand the gist and her main points. As a wild coincidence, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the URJ, was in attendance and spoke to the congregation. As he spoke about the power of Reform Judaism and its future, I felt truly inspired. What was wonderful was that as excited as I was, my classmates were equally happy and thrilled!

Shabbat morning began with a visit to Liz, finishing her Taglit trip! It was so great to see a friend I have known for so long and someone who knows me so well! 

The visits continued when I headed to Kibbutz Ma'ale Hachamish to visit Emily, who I was thrilled to see. It was so strange to see one of my BTY kids in Israel, but so wonderful! I am so excited for her to have an amazing summer here! 

After havdallah, with our largest group yet (!), we went to jambe bar for hanging out and music. The owner was nice enough to give my friend Laura and I drum each!

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